Business Support Recruitment

As experts in business support recruitment across Melbourne, Sydney, and Queensland, Miller Leith provides a unique approach to sourcing reliable, professional support staff to help with day-to-day business operations.

Whether your need for Business Support is short-term or for permanent positions, we boast an extensive network of candidates eager to commence work at a moment's notice.

Cooperative, analytical candidates to drive your business forward

Companies' product offerings and internal procedures have been increasingly linked with digital technology in recent years, while businesses themselves have evolved to rely on a higher share of remote employees. As a result of these circumstances, the current need for business support roles has remained high. Businesses have recognised the importance of maintaining timely and responsive contact with customers and strive to meet their demands at all times. Furthermore, as remote employees have become a more popular and dependable resource, organisations are reaping the cost-cutting benefits of more support workers.

In addition to generalist support workers, businesses also require Office Administrators, Personal Assistants, and Receptionists to manage schedules, maintain communication, and organise internal data and processes. These workers are a crucial go-between for internal and external communications and save time by reducing the amount of task-switching required by other employees. In addition, we source Partnership Executive Assistants, candidates whose responsibilities pair administration and strategy to help their business manage workflow priorities and delegate tasks. Finally, our business support specialisation encompasses Office, Practice, and Business Managers.

With effective candidates in these areas, your other employees are able to focus on their specialised areas of work without worrying about distracting administration tasks. With greater efficiency and productivity, KPIs become more achievable and the bottom line of your costs is easier to meet. And, because many of these candidates are client-facing, they can better represent your business with bright and enthusiastic service.

If you're ready to take your business to the next level, consider hiring professional support staff through Miller Leith. With our recruitment services spanning across the states of Victoria, New South Wales and now Queensland, we are qualified and experienced consultants with the network and outreach skills to cater to your exact needs. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can meet the unique needs of your latest vacancies.

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Download the latest Employment Market Insights & Salary Guide

Looking to build your support and admin teams? Our insightful guide dives into the latest market insights on employee expectations, work, hiring and salary trends to help you attract and retain top talent within your organisation.

Our Business Support roles

Find candidates for these roles and more. If the roles you’re looking for aren’t here, get in touch to discuss your unique needs.

  • Partnership Executive Assistants

  • Personal and Team Assistants

  • Receptionists

  • Administrators

  • Customer Service

  • Community and Not-for-Profit Specialist Support

  • Office Manager

  • Project Administrator

Our specialist Business Support team

Nadia Tribuzio

Senior Associate Director - Retail Operations & Business Support

Anna Alexandrou

Senior Principal Consultant - Business Support & Human Resources