The Miller Leith Blog

5 Key Traits of High Performing Teams, and How to Cultivate Them

Putting together a team is one thing, but creating a high performing team can take your business to the next level. By understanding the key characteristics that make a well performing team and how to achieve them, you are on the right track to maximise your business performance and promote employee satisfaction.

Supporting the Entire Career Lifecycle: Miller Leith Launches New Consulting Service

Miller Leith officially launches Consulting, offering support across the entire talent lifecycle.

A Comprehensive Guide to Crafting an Employee Value Proposition

In order to attract top talent, hiring managers need to make their organisation stand out. An Employee Value Proposition (EVP) can help achieve this. A strong EVP not only aids in hiring but also in retaining talent, ensuring employees feel motivated, valued, and rewarded. Learn how to create the perfect EVP in our comprehensive guide.

The Ultimate Guide to Prepare for a Job Interview

Once you’ve embarked on the job hunt journey, it’s important that you’re well-prepared for the interviews that lie ahead. Learn how to show potential employers exactly why you are the best fit applicant for the job in our guide.

8 Tips to Successfully Navigate the Employment Landscape

Get the most out of job hunting with the best tips and tricks of the trade. There are a number of ways that you can help yourself throughout the experience, from perfecting your resume and nailing interview skills to working with recruitment professionals to help you find the perfect fit.

How to Write a Standout Resume

When searching for a job and submitting applications, it’s essential to have an eye-catching resume that leaves a strong first impression on potential employers, and shows them exactly why you are the ideal candidate.